Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Change & Improvements

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

I have now come up to the stage of my life where I tend to realize a lot of new things. I'm looking things from different perspectives (hopefully, so).

What have I realized? Quite a lot I must say....

- I am in competition with no one.

- My greatest competition is with myself, not anyone else, but only myself.

- My worst enemy is myself.

- Never compare myself to anyone, except the previous me.

- I'm trying to be better than  the person I was yesterday.

So, up till now, I've been compared to, basically everyone. How everyone is doing well, how everyone is successful, how smart is everyone, how well-mannered is everyone and etc. Every single thing I do, there's always always always gonna be a comparison made. The way I talk, the way I walk, the way I act, how I perform on school academics and the list keeps going on. People compare me to everyone, by every single thing I do.

They might not say this straight on my face but to put it in simpler ways, their comparison basically means like, "oh you're not good enough", "oh there's someone who's absolutely better than you", "oh you got to try harder to meet everyone's expectations" and etc. Well, this is something I could neither avoid nor stop. That's just how the society works. You will never get to please everyone. You will never be good enough for them.

I used to put a lot of thoughts on this whole comparison thing. But now, I just could not care less. Like, screw you for not being able to accept me the way I am. Screw you for not being satisfied with who I am. Screw you for keep comparing me with everyone around me. Just screw you. Find something better to do, at the very least!

I believe people will keep comparing, keep judging, keep talking and they're gonna keep doing what they're doing. I live not to impress people, not to be liked by people & most importantly, not to hate myself. I believe I'm lacking a lot of things but this should not be a reason why you guys should keep comparing and judging. 

I've decided to look things on the bright and positive side ONLY. 

- Oh, people talk about me because I'm like this, because I'm like that. 

Sometimes it might be because I am indeed, lacking of manner, or probably intelligence or probably anything. So that's why they judge. So that's why they compare. Sebab tu penting sangat-sangat untuk sentiasa reflect upon ourselves. Kalau kita tak buat salah, orang takkan mengata, takkan mengumpat. So berbalik pada diri kita sendiri. Tengok & cari mana salah kita, mana kurang kita. Be a better person, each & every day.

Jangan pernah salahkan orang lain. Untuk mengata, untuk membanding-bandingkan kita dengan orang lain, jangan. Kalau kita asyik cari salah orang lain, sampai bila kita nak jumpa salah sendiri? So the key here, is to always improve yourself. Widen the scope a lil bit; kita improve diri sendiri dari semua segi. Dari segi percakapan kita, pemakaian kita, hubungan kita dengan manusia & Allah, dari segi pelajaran kita, dari segi akhlak kita.

You know yourself too well. You know your strong & weak points. You know what you're good at. You know what you suck at. So, improve yourself & keep being better! Kalau harini rasa macam kurang ajar dengan orang sekeliling, kalau harini rasa macam banyak sangat lagha, then make sure tomorrow you are not the same person as you were yesterday. Itu je, Very realistic & possible.

Sebab kalau tengok diri kita few years back then, dan kita terus nak berubah secara drastik, I won't say it's unrealistic, I won't say it's impossible, tapi susah. Berubah secara drastik tu susah. So instead, take constant baby steps. Istiqamah. Ubah diri kita tiap-tiap hari, secara konsisten. Walau sikit, tapi percayalah those things will make a huge difference.

So, what are you waiting for? Let's make a change; slowly, but consistently.

p/s: Rasa nak berubah itu takkan hadir dalam hati kalau bukan dengan rahmat Allah semata-mata. Usaha kita untuk berubah itu takkan berjaya melainkan dengan rahmat Allah semata-mata. Maka, usahalah untuk berubah. Doalah agar dipermudahkan dan agar sentiasa mendapat rahmat Allah. "Kun faya kun", kalau Allah katakan jadi, maka jadilah ia. Kalau Allah kata ya kita akan berubah, maka ya kita akan. Kita sebagai hamba hanya mampu berusaha & berdoa. The rest, it's up to The Almighty :)