Tuesday, July 17, 2018

20 Things I Learnt Before Turning 20

1) People come and go. It's part of the life process.

For the past 20 years of living, I've met and had so many people in my life - friends, teachers or even strangers. No matter how badly I want someone to stay, I realized that as I grow up, people keep on going in and out of my life. Their presence could only mean two things; a lesson or a blessing. I've lost so many friends, whom I no longer keep in touch, but knowing them was truly a blessing and the memories that we had will forever be cherished. Not everyone is meant to stay in your life forever, so you gotta accept that.

2) Even if you have bad grades, no, you're not a failure.

It's good to have good grades or score straight As in exams. However, having good grades is not an indicator of success in someone's life. Although it has become a 'norm' for being labelled as stupid or lazy whenever someone is unable to get good grades, trust me, exams don't define your intelligence level. Some just want to test out your memorization skills lol. I wasn't really one of the brightest students at school, but up till today, I believe I've turned out to be alright. I discovered what I'm good at, picked up a few skills to be practiced in real life and have decided to be a life-long learner. Does that sound like a 'failure' to you? I hope not.

3) Enjoy your childhood. To the maximum.

When I was a kid, I dreamed of being an adult. Now that I'm an adult, I'm dreaming of becoming a kid again. I wish I never grow up because being an adult sucks, FYI, but we all know that I am currently growing older so that wish is never going to happen.

4) Start learning to do household chores at an early age. 

I was trained to do chores at quite an early age, if I'm not mistaken. Sweeping the floor, washing dishes, cooking and cleaning bathrooms are things that you should try to do, even if your mum doesn't ask you to. I see this whole doing chores thingy as a preparation for me when I become a wife and a mother, later on. And simply because I want to be a good daughter to my parents hihi. So unless you want to grow up being a spoiled brat, then you might consider not doing these chores at all.

5) If you can't do what you love, then love what you do.

6) Acne/pimples don't define beauty.

As a teenager and also an adolescent, I'm so used to be having a lot of acne and acne scars (I still have some btw) so I understand what it's like to suffer from acne. Acne and pimples are mostly caused by the hormones or unhealthy living style. AND IT IS COMPLETELY NORMAL. Even if your face is full of pimples, no, you're not ugly. Sure you may feel insecure and whatnot, but please don't downgrade yourself. Fight those acne and be confident with yourself!

7) Even if you're put in unexpected situations or life events, know that your life is going exactly the way He planned it.

8) Always try something new. Be adventurous.

Be active, curious and adventurous. Because you're young. Go and explore new things. And don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone.

9) Love yourself first, then only the others.

I mean, I'm not asking you to be selfish or self-centered. Just make sure to love yourself and accept all your flaws. If you hate yourself, how do you expect others to like you? Don't you think?

10) What people think of you isn't a big deal.

People are free to judge, like or hate you, that's their business. At the end of the day, you can never please everybody. And in order to be and stay positive, you need not to listen to every single word people throw at you. You can take some, for motivational purposes. But if you think people's thought and opinion bring nothing but destruction to you, then keep your ears shut.

11) If you ever have to choose between your family or your friends, your family it is.

12) Problems, sadness and all sorts of troubles in life are not permanent, soon they shall pass.

13) It's not the end of the world, even if you're single or not in a relationship.

I've involved myself in a 'romantic' relationship for only a couple of times, and at such young age. But as I grew older, I met a few douchebags along the way and it somehow made me feel like real good guys are in the process of extinction. And so, I'd rather be single than be with some guy who cheats or has some unpleasant characteristics (which I believe you can think of your own). Therefore, be in a relationship when you're ready to commit, when you're sure you won't break a person's heart and when you know it's time. To me, I want a relationship that lasts. Till we get married. Till death do us part. Even till the hereafter. I seriously have no time for those who just want to have fun, playing or messing around, urm nope. So again, be single, until you're ready not to be.

14) If you have nothing good to say, then stay silent.

15) Notice even the littlest things in life, it'll help you to stay grateful.

16) Never neglect your emotional health, it's just as important as your physical health.

17) Don't stress over the things you can't change. Focus only on the ones you're able to.

18) You'll want to buy and own a lot of stuffs at some point in life, but make sure to save and spend wisely.

19) Your happiness depends on you.

20) See good in all things.

Saturday, May 26, 2018

How I Ended Up Em(Brace)Ing Myself

I have lived my life, believing that I had pretty good alignment of teeth, meaning: no teeth problems such as gigi tak tersusun or gigi yg cosmetically tak cantik la untuk dipandang. Kalau kena jumpa dentist, okay je, cuma the only frequent problem I had was cavity, which to me, normal la tu sebab memang dari kecik makan gula-gula banyak sangat pastu tak rajin gosok gigi hahaha. Secara kosmetiknya, gigi aku memang tersusun la senang cerita, cavity tu lain cerita. However, my belief and stance had changed drastically when I started to notice there's something wrong with the alignment of my teeth, which I believed did not occur before. Around February 2016 (I was 18 years old during that time btw), I noticed that my front tooth macam terkeluar tau, sorang dia je pulak tu terkeluar...macam terkeluar daripada landasan yg betul la haa gitu. The first few months when I started to notice the change, it wasn't that noticeable pun sebenarnya, cuma sebab aku yg belek muka depan cermin tiap-tiap hari ni mestilah perasan kalau ada perubahan yg berlaku kan? So I started to tell my parents about my concern. And then sejak tu barulah diaorang pun perasan. Tapi biar jelah tak buat apa pun sebab rasa mcm takde mudarat apa pun kat aku kan...

This was during February 2016. And the circled part is the particular tooth which seems to be 'out of track' lol.

Months passed by and I started to feel that my front tooth ni makin ke depan dan makin terkeluar. But no it wasn't that severe sampai kena ejek gigi hodoh ke apa hahaha takde lah semua tu. But it was my concern la like kenapa mengapa bagaimana perkara ini boleh terjadi sedangkan selama 18 tahun sebelumnya, aku rasa gigi aku elok je takde masalah. Start la risau sikit-sikit. On December 2016, my parents decided to bring me to a dentist, nak tanya la apa masalah gigi aku ni. First, I went to a government clinic to do little dental check-up. However, the dentist was like "takde apa ni, you je yang perasan lebih..", but did somewhat agree yg memang gigi depan aku tu terkeluar. So my mum tanya la apa solution kan, and dia kata buat braces la senang. However, the government clinics will only 'sponsor' the cost of doing braces to those aged 18 and below, and they only accept severe cases. Well in my case, dentist tu cakap tak teruk.

I don't know but mum wasn't that satisfied when the dentist said that aku je yang perasan lebih & sebenarnya gigi aku ok je. After that, mum brought me to a private clinic instead, again, asking about my teeth's condition and everything. The dentist told me that my front tooth tu terkeluar because it's being pushed by other teeth, gigi bongsu aku tak keluar lagi, tapi as a preparation untuk dia tumbuh, dia start to push gigi-gigi yg lain supaya ada la space untuk dia tumbuh nanti. As a result of the pushing, maka, gigi depan aku yg satu ni pun terkeluarlah daripada landasan yg betul. Bila tanya apa solution, dentist tu suruh pakai braces but before that, I have to consult an orthodontist for further explanation and information. And so I did. The orthodontist (who is also my dentist now) then did a few explanation regarding my teeth's problem and also did an x-ray of my teeth.

This is the x-ray version of my teeth. The circled part shows how my front tooth was way toooo front. According to my dentist, the gap or distance between my upper and lower teeth was quite abnormal so that's the highlight of my teeth problem hahaha.

I then asked my dentist a couple questions:

1) With the current condition of teeth, is it really necessary for me to wear braces?

-Boleh kalau tak nak pakai braces, but my teeth will keep on pushing each other and ada kemungkinan besar kalau dibiarkan, gigi depan ni akan lebih terkeluar lah in the future. Gigi bongsu belum keluar pun tapi dia dah start pushing other teeth, bayangkanlah kalau dia dah start tumbuh nanti??

2) To solve my teeth's problem, is wearing braces the only option? Sebab rasa membazir kena pakai braces hanya disebabkan gigi depan ni terkeluar padahal gigi lain okay je huhuhu.

-Ada method lain selain daripada braces, which is dental crown. However, my dentist said that kalau aku buat crowning, dia kena matikan akar dulu. Plus, according to her, gigi aku masih elok, takde decay ke apa, so membazir la buat crown ni, mcm tak berapa sesuai la. So the best method is, wearing braces.

3) Since yg bermasalah tu only my upper teeth, boleh tak kalau pakai braces untuk betulkan bahagian atas je, tak payah pakai braces bahagian gigi bawah?

-Not recommended. According to my dentist, kalau pakai braces dekat gigi atas je, of course dia akan betulkan alignment gigi tu, tapi nanti bahagian bawah pulak tak okay. So seeloknya pakai braces bahagian atas & bawah sekali, supaya semua gigi tu dapat bergerak sekali sesama untuk dapat kan position yg betul balik.

Everything happened quite fast la jugak sebab tahu-tahu je, eh dah pasang braces dah. And so I started to wear braces on the 31st December 2016. So with this post, I hope that I'm able to clarify things to those who wonder why I wear braces in the first place. My friends, especially, memang sangat terkejut lah when they saw my new appearance, with the braces and everything.

Never did it cross my mind that one day I'd have to wear braces. Takde niat takde hajat pun utk pakai braces ni. And honestly, aku tak nak pun pakai sebab memang rasa membazir lah, problem aku kat gigi depan belah atas je tapi sebab nak betulkan dia sorang je, kena pakai braces utk gigi atas & gigi bawah. Aku sendiri still takleh brain. Plus, the cost is not cheap, very pricey and rasa tak patut pun hmm ada la sikit rasa menyesal tu like kenapalahh aku setuju je nak pakai braces bila dentist tu suruh hahhaahha. Menyesal tak menyesal, sekarang ni dah almost 17 months dah aku pakai braces. How time flies... It feels like only yesterday I felt the pain of wearing braces and how I wasn't able to chew solid food, only ate porridge or soup for couple of weeks sebab senang, terus telan, takyah kunyah. But sekarang okay je, I'm now at the phase where I'm still pushing myself to take extra care of my teeth in terms of brushing, flossing and all.

So that's all about it. I only include literally how i ended up wearing braces, nothing else. In terms of the cost, my personal experience and all shall be shared another time 'cause I believe it's going to be one hella long post so I'm gonna save it for later (if I have time and the spirit to write hahaah).


Wednesday, January 17, 2018

What Have I Gotten Myself Into

This is my first post in 2018, so hello new year! I'm not gonna go with the slogan "new year, new me", simply because I don't do that anymore..? I've stopped making new year resolutions since 2016. I no longer think that you should become a totally new person, for the sake of the entrance of a new year. My thinking and belief had changed - if you wanna make changes upon yourself, then do it. Whether it's a new year or not, it doesn't matter. What I'm trying to say here is that you have to constantly change and make improvements on yourself - every single day, not just every single year.

So today's post isn't particularly about a new year or something similar to that, it's regarding my study and basically my future. And as you already know, I am now in the second semester (out of eight semesters altogether) of my degree. It has been only two weeks of class and trust me, it's already tiring and exhausting. For this semester, we are now slowly being exposed into deeper knowledge on teaching and not just the English language itself. In this semester, we'll be taught on how to do lesson plans, learning more theories in teaching, how to make teaching & learning process more aligned with the 21st century learning & basically so much more. Plus, starting from this semester, we'll start our school-based experience for a week at any primary school of our own choice.

When I first encounter the course Teaching English as Second Language (TESL), I honestly found it a bit tempting because it involves English language and for your record, I loooooove (but erm seriously idk if I should put the word 'love' as the past or present tense lol) English so much! And when I decided to go on with this course, although I know I have no passion or interest in teaching and becoming a teacher, but since I love English language so much, I told and promised myself that I will develop the interest and passion in teaching as I step into this journey.

I used to love English because of how interesting it was (not that I found English is no longer fun today, in the present but idk). When I was a little younger, I loved to jot down unfamiliar English words along with the meaning, I loved to talk to myself in English, I loved watching English movies, I loved listening to English songs (I still do), I love how English has different accents - whether it's British or American or whatever accents that ever existed. Like generally, I grew up with my life revolving and being exposed to English and its usage. The basic skills that you need to have to master any language are of course; reading, writing, listening and speaking in that particular language. I grew up believing that I was literate enough, I was fluent enough in English language since I can speak, write, listen  and read in English well.

But now here I am, a TESL student, in the year 2018, realizing that these basic skills ARE NOT enough, AT ALL! I also realized that being in this course, your fluency or your love towards English language alone IS NOT sufficient in order to be a good TESL student and later, a good English teacher to your kids. And today, you know what more that I realized? I realized that this isn't just merely about English language or some simple teaching methods to teach the kids. It's not! There's just so much more to it!

I have learnt Linguistics in the first semester and I swear it was not easy at all! Not the kind of English language that I used to believe was just a piece of cake. For this semester on the other hand, I'll be learning English Phonetics & Phonology and I'm 100% sure that this paper will be A LOT tougher. So let's just say, those teenage years I spent on believing that English is easy had just been totally crushed. Nope, English language is not easy. Not anymore.

As I had just two weeks of class in 2018, I know nothing after this will be easy and relaxing. And how I have been taking this teaching & being a teacher stuff very lightly ever since I started my studies on 2016 - obviously I was wrong and dumb and foolish to not take it seriously. Being a TESL student will be a lot more challenging after this. Being a future primary school teacher will definitely be 100 times tougher.

So look what I have got myself into...