Tuesday, July 17, 2018

20 Things I Learnt Before Turning 20

1) People come and go. It's part of the life process.

For the past 20 years of living, I've met and had so many people in my life - friends, teachers or even strangers. No matter how badly I want someone to stay, I realized that as I grow up, people keep on going in and out of my life. Their presence could only mean two things; a lesson or a blessing. I've lost so many friends, whom I no longer keep in touch, but knowing them was truly a blessing and the memories that we had will forever be cherished. Not everyone is meant to stay in your life forever, so you gotta accept that.

2) Even if you have bad grades, no, you're not a failure.

It's good to have good grades or score straight As in exams. However, having good grades is not an indicator of success in someone's life. Although it has become a 'norm' for being labelled as stupid or lazy whenever someone is unable to get good grades, trust me, exams don't define your intelligence level. Some just want to test out your memorization skills lol. I wasn't really one of the brightest students at school, but up till today, I believe I've turned out to be alright. I discovered what I'm good at, picked up a few skills to be practiced in real life and have decided to be a life-long learner. Does that sound like a 'failure' to you? I hope not.

3) Enjoy your childhood. To the maximum.

When I was a kid, I dreamed of being an adult. Now that I'm an adult, I'm dreaming of becoming a kid again. I wish I never grow up because being an adult sucks, FYI, but we all know that I am currently growing older so that wish is never going to happen.

4) Start learning to do household chores at an early age. 

I was trained to do chores at quite an early age, if I'm not mistaken. Sweeping the floor, washing dishes, cooking and cleaning bathrooms are things that you should try to do, even if your mum doesn't ask you to. I see this whole doing chores thingy as a preparation for me when I become a wife and a mother, later on. And simply because I want to be a good daughter to my parents hihi. So unless you want to grow up being a spoiled brat, then you might consider not doing these chores at all.

5) If you can't do what you love, then love what you do.

6) Acne/pimples don't define beauty.

As a teenager and also an adolescent, I'm so used to be having a lot of acne and acne scars (I still have some btw) so I understand what it's like to suffer from acne. Acne and pimples are mostly caused by the hormones or unhealthy living style. AND IT IS COMPLETELY NORMAL. Even if your face is full of pimples, no, you're not ugly. Sure you may feel insecure and whatnot, but please don't downgrade yourself. Fight those acne and be confident with yourself!

7) Even if you're put in unexpected situations or life events, know that your life is going exactly the way He planned it.

8) Always try something new. Be adventurous.

Be active, curious and adventurous. Because you're young. Go and explore new things. And don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone.

9) Love yourself first, then only the others.

I mean, I'm not asking you to be selfish or self-centered. Just make sure to love yourself and accept all your flaws. If you hate yourself, how do you expect others to like you? Don't you think?

10) What people think of you isn't a big deal.

People are free to judge, like or hate you, that's their business. At the end of the day, you can never please everybody. And in order to be and stay positive, you need not to listen to every single word people throw at you. You can take some, for motivational purposes. But if you think people's thought and opinion bring nothing but destruction to you, then keep your ears shut.

11) If you ever have to choose between your family or your friends, your family it is.

12) Problems, sadness and all sorts of troubles in life are not permanent, soon they shall pass.

13) It's not the end of the world, even if you're single or not in a relationship.

I've involved myself in a 'romantic' relationship for only a couple of times, and at such young age. But as I grew older, I met a few douchebags along the way and it somehow made me feel like real good guys are in the process of extinction. And so, I'd rather be single than be with some guy who cheats or has some unpleasant characteristics (which I believe you can think of your own). Therefore, be in a relationship when you're ready to commit, when you're sure you won't break a person's heart and when you know it's time. To me, I want a relationship that lasts. Till we get married. Till death do us part. Even till the hereafter. I seriously have no time for those who just want to have fun, playing or messing around, urm nope. So again, be single, until you're ready not to be.

14) If you have nothing good to say, then stay silent.

15) Notice even the littlest things in life, it'll help you to stay grateful.

16) Never neglect your emotional health, it's just as important as your physical health.

17) Don't stress over the things you can't change. Focus only on the ones you're able to.

18) You'll want to buy and own a lot of stuffs at some point in life, but make sure to save and spend wisely.

19) Your happiness depends on you.

20) See good in all things.