Sunday, December 20, 2015

Driving Class

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

I arrived home from the daurah on the 19th. So hari ni, dengan penat yang tak hilang lagi, I attended a driving class (baru nak amik kelas, orang lain dah dapat lesen L kot haha!)

But never mind, I take it slow, lek lek sudah, in shaa Allah dapat gak lesen tu nanti huhu :p At first, I did not mind to learn automatic or manual car, pastu fikir balik hmm dapat firasat yang aku patut amik yang auto jelah, senang sikit hidup aku takyah nak gelabah tukar-tukar gear muahaha! =D

Next, I am planning to sit for ujian berkomputer tu at the end of December, tak pun awal Januari 2016. Huaaa lama lagi :( Bila boleh dapat lesen dan jadi pemandu yang berhemah ni bila bila bila?!

The driving class started at 10 in the morning. Ada two sessions with two different facilitators. The first faci was En Fareez. I swear to God he was soooo hilarious! We laughed all along the class tau, therefore it wasn't boring at all! Tapi bila masuk second session tu, faci tu was not as hilarious as En Fareez, and as we all know, aku kan sleepyhead so madah mengantuk je :(

Fuuuh, I got this thick book untuk dikhatamkan sebelum amik ujian berkomputer. Mampukah?

And then a part of my positive thinking whispered, "Takpe apedehal kita belajar semua ni ilmu kot, bukan semata-mata nak lulus exam. Be strong & yakin boleh!"

Eceh sounds confident & convincing je kan? Hahaha we'll wait and see lah how it'll turn out later. In shaa Allah kita belajar kerana Allah, Allah bagi faham, Allah bagi mudah. Yakin.
