Sunday, January 10, 2016

Things Going On

So, I've been going through some hectic days. But more like packed & scheduled days kot? Anyways, I'd like to share some of my new experience, how things are going on for me, just to keep you updated (in case you're wondering how I've been doing :p) Things are fine and working well. But I believe busier days are about to come in 2016 haha!

1. Al-Hijama:

Soooo here's something that I'm very eager to share about!! Hehe. Basically, I've this problem where I frequently have headache. Headaches are caused by a lot of factors and as for my case, I honestly don't have a good reason for me to constantly getting headaches, especially throughout 2015. So I googled the symptoms I was having and it turned out there's at least 50% of possibility that I'm having migraine. I never went to the doctor for further confirmation, though. But the symptom was always the same, which is having headache only on one side. Kadang-kadang belah kiri je, kadang-kadang belah kanan je, plus around the eye too! Kat kening, bawah mata & basically that areas akan rasa sakit. So I had to bear this pain until yesterday. Tapi takdelah sampai pening tiap-tiap hari, 24/7 ke nope! Dia datang sesuka hati, dia blah pun sesuka hati.

Therefore, I decided to do cupping therapy, also known as bekam, or Al-Hijama as in Arabic. Ada banyak je klinik & places yang buat bekam but for my family, kitaorang dah biasa bekam kat Akubekam. Akubekam ni ada banyak cawangan & kitaorang pergi kat JB, sebab the nearest.

This is how the interior of the clinic would look like;

Basically, the doctor in charge tu awal-awal akan tanya what's your problem & all. Once you've stated your problems, pening ke apa, the doctor will identify & show you the points on your body which should be cupped. As for me, I had 14 points yang perlu dibekam. Banyak tak?! Some examples of my points are of course the migraine/headache point, the breathing point, gastric point & so much more that I can't possibly list out each of them :D Each & everyone will has different points yang perlu dibekam, ikutlah sakit apa, nanti adalah specific pointnya..

Points on your body! Hehe

Once cleared, the whole cupping process will proceed. Hati dah berdebar-debar dah takyah cite ah. Punyalah takut sampai kaki tangan semua sejuk!! Dah pasrah, redha habis time tu, lantaklah rasa sakit macam mana pun, dalam kepala fikir nak sihat je haha! Serious, memang sakit. Tapi in shaa Allah, the pain is bearable. Kena tahan sikit lah. Satu point, sedut darah dua tiga kali jugak lah, bayangkan, I had fourteen points kot!!! Hahahaha tahan,demi nak sihat, nak hilangkan pening yang berlarutan tu. Adalah jugak kekadang doktor tu tunjuk darah yang dah disedut tu kat aku, mostly darah berwarna merah gelap sebab darah kotor kan? Masa bekam, not only dia sedut darah, tapi dia jugak sedut toksik & angin dalam badan. As a result, kuranglah sikit angin & in shaa Allah blood flow dalam badan pun akan lebih lancar.

The cupping materials. Source: google!

Lepas dah bekam, I was given a honey drink & then the doctor gave me these medicines. Yang dalam botol tu is to be rolled kat tempat-tempat yang dibekam. As for the pills, kena makan sehari sebiji, sebelum tidur. Ada yang mungkin tak kuat, badan lemah ke apa, ada possibility boleh demam or all sorts, that's why kena telan that huge pills! So based on the cupping therapy which had been conducted on me, doktor tu kata besides having headache, I'm also in a very stressful condition, she said aku banyak pendam masalah & I kept everything inside too much. I also had troubles in breathing sebab dekat my breathing point ada banyak darah kotor & angin. I'm still not sure why though, because I believe I don't have asthma or something...

Anyways & anyhow, that was my cupping experience! ;)

2. Computer Test:

Today I sat for ujian berkomputer!!! Finally oh gosh finally~ I know some of my friends dah almost nak dapat lesen P dah hahahaha eh chill lah, we own the time kan watlek lah tak lari lah lesen kereta tu kihkih. Alhamdulillah, passed with flying colours! (eceh) I got 49 out of 50 so kira flying colours lah tu kan haha. But the most interesting part was that I was able to meet my old school-mates!!! Mula-mula I was kinda worried sebab forever alone takde kawan haha pastu lek ah jumpa je kawan-kawan. I met Wafa Aina & Sarena (my TIGS girls), lama dah tak jumpa diaorang :(  And and and!! I also met Aina Batrisyia, my classmate since I was 13 kot haha! Bila masuk samura pun classmate, siap jadi deskmate lagi haa punyalah panjang jodoh kitaorang ni huhu. It was good catching up with the old friends & talked about some stuff, it was reaaal good!

Adios amigos! x