Friday, July 21, 2017

More Life Updates

1) All praises to Him alone, I'm a degree student now. And if He wills it; in another four years, I'll be a graduate of Bachelor of Education (TESL). So far so good. I mean, I like where I am now. I feel contented and blessed to be here, in this path. Even though I need to remind myself thousand times, that I'm a future teacher and it's not just a career, but something more to it. I'm looking forward for more adventures and excitement of being one. Not to mention all the difficulties and hardship I'll be encountering, but, still, I know there's something about it that I'll enjoy. In shaa Allah (:

2) I have no idea why I'm practically involved in this because the last time I checked, I was rusty and dusty when it comes to debating. Although during my second semester of foundation I did enter the debate competition thingy, I was just basically a reserve lol. But there'll be another debate competition in Perak, this August, and in shaa Allah I'll be participating in it *still don't know why tho* And it'll be the British Parliament style of debating, which I'm currently still trying to figure and sort things out. I mean, like, me, debating, again, not as a reserve, but as someone who actually debates, lol, what, me??????????? Oh god give me mercy.

3) Good news, I am now back to being an active member of La Nina!!! So far so good. Nothing too stress. For the record, I still enjoy playing rugby so that's more than enough. And in shaa Allah we'll be entering the IPIK rugby competition, also this coming August. We've got about two weeks before the game lol I'm expecting the extensive practices and fitness in those weeks. Just like last year, we'll be sending two teams. But for now, the game plan & everything is still unclear cause we're actually busy 'teaching' the new comers in La Nina but at the same time need to focus on those entering the tournament sooo haha. Hehe so excited and scared at the same time!! May Allah ease!

4) I haven't been seeing my dentist for almost three months now and God knows how my teeth are actually back to the misalignment thingy again :((( And as much as I've observed, my deep bite is still severe like, all the elastics I've been using has not help me to have a normal bite lol. Not to mention how I'm extremely uncomfortable with the braces, especially now because I have cuts everywhere in my mouth and it sores so much. My dentist actually wanted to check my teeth again in two months time but since mum & dad are sooooooooooo freaking busy every single weekend, I had to push my dentist appointment forward, which in at the end of August. How the hell am I supposed to bear with the pain and discomfort and this misalignment of my teeth oh goshhhhh.

5) Last but not least, I've moved on. But still, can't avoid the intertwining fate that we have where certain time we still have to cross each other's life in some way or another. But so far so good. I'm not mourning or anything, just practically teaching myself to let go. Well actually, letting a lot of things go....

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